

Having a suitable business environment along with ancient history, rich cultural heritage and outstanding nature attractions, and the existence of unique natural and historical attractions and the need to develop the domestic and foreign tourism industry with emphasis on health tourism, shopping and trade is part of the potentials of Maku Free Zone. Despite having rich tourism potentials, this region needs investment and provision of appropriate infrastructure in order to increase tourist attraction. Investment capacities in Maku Free Zone tourism section are as follows:

  • Construction of hotels and accommodation centers: Due to the increasing growth of tourists in Maku Free Zone, the need to construct hotels and diverse accommodation has increased which refers to good opportunities for investment in this sector.
  • Existence of exceptional opportunities for establishing centers for domestic and international sports due to the specific climate (four seasons)
  • Multipurpose shopping malls and entertainment complexes: Historical and natural attractions alone may not meet the interest of tourists to travel to Maku Free Zone. Meanwhile, lack of modern tourist spots in this zone is well felt. Understanding this shortcoming has paved the way for private sector investment to develop modern entertainment and shopping spaces in Maku Free Zone.
  • Water and beach recreation: Maku Free Zone has a significant advantage in water and beach tourism because of having small and large rivers and dams. Aras Border River, Zangmar River, Baroon dam, Aras dam, Shahid Ghanbari dam, and Qighaj dam provide unique features and have created a platform for creating unique attractions that attract a large number of tourists every year. It offers many opportunities to invest in entertainment activities such as boating and fishing, motor and non-motor water sports, jet skiing, water motorcycles, water paragliding, ecotourism, exploration, adventure activities and much more.
  • Health tourism: Travel is a lucrative industry in the tourism industry, which is usually influenced by factors such as ease of access, low cost of treatment, improved technology and facilities, and the presence of experienced physicians in this field. Maku Free Zone, due to its special location and adjacency with Turkey and Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, having a favorable climate and countryside, hot mineral water for hydrotherapy, as well as by improving existing infrastructure and medical facilities can be introdused as a health tourism hub.
  • Possibility of developing handicrafts, especially carpet weaving and rug weaving in villages by providing facilities           